My Story

Rhea S. - Artist & Stroke Survivor

Things are different now.

Rhea's Studio was founded in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and for nearly my whole life I emersed myself in the sights, sounds and smell of green things. I watched the seasons change in the forest around my home and in my life.

Now, I find myself in a diversely new life in two ways; I am surrounded by the beauty of the desert, with completely new natural inspiration all around me. Secondly, I am rebuilding myself from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in March of 2022 that was followed by a Stroke that June and another in November that put me in a wheelchair. (I’m fighting back, don’t you worry!) Creating has been a significant part of my healing journey and I believe art is more significant now in my life than ever before.

I still love to merge my passion of illustration with jewelry design and everything you see is still meticulously handmade by me with great love and attention to detail.

The best part of this journey is that I feel more motivated than ever to create because I always donate 50% of my proceeds to charity. I want to help others and with your support, this allows me to still do that. I also love connecting with you and making new friends.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you for supporting me and small business!  

In Love & Joy ~ Rhea S. 


I love making these tiny little works of art! Each one is made by yours truly with great care and love.


In an effort to beautify your life and our world, I use 100% biodegradable twine, 100% re-cycled paper and other re-purposed gift wrap materials. All purchases include free gift wrapping as a thank you to my customers!